Which one I should Learn C, C++ or C#
I want to learn programming but i dont know even know an iota of it. I want to start with the complete basics. Which one should i learn first - C or C++ or C#.
Please help!
You write that you "want to start with the complete basics." The word "basics" is a little bit ambiguous: it can mean both "simple" and "fundamental".
Of the three you mentioned, C is by far the most fundamental language, in the sense that it really allows you to talk to the computer. It means that when you write a C program, you have to tell the computer what you want it to do, in great detail. (Emphasis on those last three words.) That means that you'll have to write a lot of code to get anything non-trivial done. The language itself is very small: the book that many (if not most) programmers use to learn it (The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie, usually referred to as "K&R") is only 272 pages.
Of the three languages you mentioned, C# is on the other side of the spectrum. The language makes the computer understand you more (instead of you making yourself understood to the computer); it is a much higher level language than C. If you were a computer and I wanted you to open a door, then in C# I could probably say "Open the door", whereas in C I'd probably have to say "Put your hand on the handlebar of the door. Push the handlebar down. Pull the door towards you. If the door opens, you're done. If it doesn't open, then push the door away from you. If the door opens, you're done. If the door still doesn't open, it's probably locked; either get a key or give up," C# is simpler in the sense that it makes you write decent-looking programs much more quickly. It is also a much bigger language; books on C# often have 1,000 pages or (lots!) more.
C++ is somewhere in between C and C#, though it's closer to C than to C#. The most popular book used to learn the language (C++ Primer, 5th edition by Lippman, Lajoie and Moo) has 950 pages.
I recommend learning C first because its bare bones and simple. Acquire the skills, discipline and basic knowledge of how to solve things with just a basic set of tools where most of today's average programmer I find lacking resulting in them creating a messy and poorly written code. Not to mention that a lot of high level languages are in someway a derivative of it like C++, Java, C# and so on... So learning them would be a lot easier if you start out in C.
C# has to have my vote as well. I wish I learned C# as my first OOP language. If you want to learn all three, go C#, C, then C++. Both C and C++ are very similar, while C# can help you get the very basics on that language, but also programming concepts and concepts of OOP.
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C++, it's basic and covers beginner level knowledge on how to code/compile. Whether it's website design or simple batch file games, it covers the updated code of C/+ whilst also staying a favourite for most programming enthusiasts. Avoid the software if you don't want to be known as a script kiddie or whatever.
Tags: c sharp programming, c tutorial for beginners, programming languages, how to learn c++, learn visual studio, learning c, learn programming, c# developer, learning programming
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